personal growth

6 Morning Habits That Changed My Life

Ever wonder how the most successful people in the world achieve so much everyday? The secret recipe to their success is their morning routine. This is one of the best morning routine for achieving success that has literally helped me quit my job, bring my life around and chase away my depression.

If you have never heard of the Miracle Morning, I am here to tell you: it literally is the best thing I have ever done in my life!

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The best morning routine for success: The miracle morning

In 2017, I was stuck in a soul-sucking job that I really wanted to quit SO badly. It was not so much the career that I hated, but my work environment.

Nonetheless, I knew I needed to transform my entire being to be able to quit my job. The Miracle Morning ultimately changed the most important relationship that most of us neglect: the one we have with ourselves.

If you’ve had a bad year, suffer from depression and generally hate your life right now, don’t lose all hope. I’m here to tell you that miracles DO happen if you believe in them.

Now, I need to emphasise the nothing is really a magic pill, including this book. However, I know that if you really work on practicing this morning routine daily, you will start to love yourself for who you are becoming and start making the necessary changes towards the life you love!

The reason why this morning routine sets you up for success is because the 6 habits you are practicing each day gives you the cornerstone to become consistent, disciplined and become the best version of yourself.

How starting your mornings right sets you on the path of success

For a very long time, I understood that If I did my mornings right, my chances of succeeding in life will be very high. However, in spite of all my efforts, I felt very defeated by my inconsistent morning routine. That is because I tend to enjoy sleeping in. Even with a loud alarm to wake me up, I will always snooze it and go back to sleep.

Suspended in my own self-loathing, I saw no way out.

That was until I found the The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. Everything changed from that moment I discovered the book The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8 AM. I finally feel in control of my life. 

6 reasons to practice the morning routine for success

6 practical reasons to start your mornings right

This morning I finally dragged myself out of bed to restart the miracle morning routine. It’s been a while since I exercised first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I can’t even describe the awesome feeling of doing a morning workout. You should try it some time!

Ever since starting my Pinterest virtual assistant business, I abandoned self-care and focused my whole attention on getting clients. Needless to say, two weeks into running my business full time I became utterly miserable. I realised that if I was ever going to feel happy again, I need to start my mornings right.

On my way to the park this morning, I discovered 6 practical reasons for( should I say all adults ) to start their mornings right.

  • Adopt the right frame of mind every day.
  • Feel great before you start a working day.
  • Become more positive! Prioritising self care first thing in the morning gives you the motivation to tackle a busy day!
  • Be empowered by a stronger sense of control over your life. Stop procrastinating and postponing to-dos.
  • Get more time to prepare for work.
  • Have a remarkable sense of being organised and getting many things out of the way before you even go to work gives you a huge boost of positive energy.

Keystone Habits

If you’ve never heard of keystone habits, let me quickly explain it to you.

Keystone habits are the things you do in your life that creates the core of who you are. It becomes the centre of everything you do, including how you think, how you act AND how successful you will be.

The reason why my life has been entirely transformed is because I changed my keystone habit by practicing a morning routine consistently. This in turn changed my mindset and helped me achieve my goals!

In Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit, he explained how habits are ingrained in each and everyone of us because of the anticipation of what the habit rewards. For example, if you have a smoking habit, the reason why you can’t quit is because you have trained your mind to CRAVE and ANTICIPATE the rewarding feeling of smoking.

So how do you hack this to your advantage? By practicing keystone habits that are actually beneficial to you, not those that are detrimental to your well being.

The 6 morning habits that changed my life: Life S.A.V.E.R.S

6 Morning Habits That Changed My Life

When the author of The Miracle Morning Hal Elrod was trying to come up with a good mnemonic for the 6 keystone habits for his morning routine, he had to make some tweaks to the names of the habits to make them into S.A.V.E.R.S.

The 6 habits that Hal Elrod proposes everybody to practice early in the morning include:

  • Meditation (Silence)
  • Affirmation
  • Visualisation
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Journaling (Scribing)

All of the habits above will help you become the best version of yourself. In other words, they are personal development habits. These morning routines are meant to be done as early as possible before your day starts.

After purchasing The Miracle Morning book, I joined the Miracle Morning community on Facebook. Some members in the group go to bed as early as 9.30 PM and wake up at 5 AM. They start their office jobs at 7 am, so waking up early to have time for themselves is a game changer.  Many have cited that the Miracle Morning has changed their lives COMPLETELY.

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You are responsible for everything in your life

One of my favourite quotes from the Miracle Morning is:

The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life is the moment you tap into your power to change ANYTHING in your life.

When I first read that quote, I was stunned. Finally, somebody shone a light on all of my excuses for staying mediocre and refusing to be accountable for everything that happens in my life.

How often do we blame ourselves for the lack of success in our lives? And how often do we accept responsibility for our money problems?

One question I would like to ask you is this. Do you plan to play the blame game forever and let your potential pass you by? The one thing I was clear about in my mind ever since becoming a full fledged adult was stop living a life full of regrets.

Be The Person Who Will Attract The Success You Want

In the first chapter of the book, the author explained his own journey towards exponential personal growth and professional success. He was listening to a personal development audio by Jim Rohn who said this:

Your level of success, will rarely exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you attract by the person you become

I think most of us have been think about success the wrong way round.  Our society believes that in order to achieve personal success, one must first attain financial success. This logic is flawed as there are so many people in our society who we deem “successful” are actually deeply unhappy and unfulfilled inside.

How the miracle morning improved my life

Reading, Miracle Morning, 6 Morning Habits That Changed My LifeIf you’re still not convinced by the Miracle Morning, maybe you need a little before-after comparison.

Before the Miracle Morning

Before the miracle morning, I was burnt out, physically tired and utterly miserable with my life.

Each time my alarm went off in the morning( sometimes I did not even set an alarm), I will snooze the alarm and continue sleeping. I was so unhappy with everything about myself. Settling for mediocrity, I did not try my best at anything. Every day I was just going through life, trying to make ends meet.

after the miracle morning

Let me list the amount of changes I have made since practicing the Miracle Morning every day.

  1. Lost 3 Kilos through daily exercise and improved diet
  2. Started the business of my dreams
  3. Journaled for 120 days
  4. Meditated for 200 days straight
  5. Started a money making blog
  6. Improved my sleep
  7. Became a full time work at home boss lady
  8. Defeated my depression
  9. Skyrocketed my energy levels
  10. Quit my job
  11. Finished reading 10 books this year

As you can see, the list of accomplishments above are mostly on a personal level. In the past, I used to measure my success solely on my income. I felt like a total loser as I was not earning the kind of income I have always wanted. I did not appreciate myself as a person.

Every day, I found ways to beat myself up, talk bad about myself and self-deprecate.

Today, I focus 200% of my energy on creating Level 10 success in the six key areas of my life, namely Health, Career, Relationships, Play, Finance and Contribution to Others. My daily commitment is to be my very best self by practicing my Miracle Morning, as well as take action towards all of the goals I have set out to achieve a decade ago.

Key Takeaway

If there is only ONE thing you take away from this article, I’d like it to be this.

On the one hand, we all want to be happy… we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy ~Matthew Kelly

ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS, put your well-being FIRST. Always find the time to become the person you have always wanted to be. Do you want to be someone who meditates, to write a book, create the business of your dreams? Do you want to change your life?

If the answer is yes, then you can start making changes to the way you wake up. Start the morning right, and you will do your day right. Live your days right, and you will have a great life.

Related post: 11 Things Successful People Do(That Average People Don’t)

Start your mornings right today!

If you are desperate for a change in your life, I sincerely urge you to do yourself a favour! Show yourself some self-love by getting yourself a copy of the Miracle Morning.

I have categorised the Miracle Morning books here for your convenience:

GeneralThe Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM: Change your life with one of the world’s highest rated self help books

For Network MarketersThe Miracle Morning for Network Marketers : Grow Yourself First to Grow Your Business Fast

For EntrepreneursThe Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs: Elevate Your Self to Elevate Your Business

For Parents and Families: The Miracle Morning For Parents And Families: How To Bring Out The Best In Your Kids And Your Self

What are you waiting for?

If you’re looking to start a new life, or just change your life, this book is definitely life-changing and transformative!

With 2021 looming ahead of us, this is the best time to start your mornings right.

This is the miracle you’ve been looking for.