How To Make Money Flea Market Flipping On Ebay

If you’re looking for a great side hustle to pay off debt, consider making money from home flea market flipping on eBay! Yes, you can literally make good money flipping items for profit online without leaving the comfort of your own home.

Today, I’m sharing the story of an incredible woman who was weighed down by debt, dead broke and jobless to having a thriving flea market flipping business on eBay!

If she can do this, I believe you can too.

In order to learn how to ACTUALLY make money flea market flipping on eBay, I’ve interviewed Stacy Gallego who is a rockstar stay-at-home mom of six kids . Believe it or not, she makes up to $3900 a month flipping used and unwanted items on eBay working from home!

Are you excited to know more about her story in order to also make money flipping items on eBay? Let’s get started.

Wondering how much money you can make flipping items online for profit? Find out exactly how Stacy, a stay-at-home mom of 6 makes a tidy sum of up to $3900 a month as a flipper right here!

Can you please tell us a little about yourself?


My name is Stacy Gallego, and I am a married mom of six kids. Our two oldest kids are grown up and married, our middle sons are in college at the University of Arizona, and our youngest two are in junior high.

Over the past several years, my husband and I have worked hard following the Dave Ramsey’s Plan  of getting out of debt.

Since 2016, we have been debt free including the house. We currently live in the desert, but if we had grass in our back yard, we are certain it would be greener!

How did you discover flipping as a way to make money?

When I went through a divorce from my first husband in 2000, I went completely broke. At the time, I had two little 18-month-old twin boys to raise . I was penniless, jobless, and days from being homeless. The only thing I had was thousands of dollars of debt that weighed me down every day.

In order to get back on my feet, I went to live with my parents with my two sons. That’s when I really started looking at money differently. I decided that I never wanted to go through being broke again.

That’s when I started to look at where things went wrong for me financially and how I could change my habits.

Instead of racking up more debt, I started to live below my means, pay cash for everything, and refuse to have payments for anything.

Several years later, I married a really great guy who pretty much thought the same about money.

When we got married, we had some debt (a student loan and a small mortgage). In order to get on top of our debt, we also tried Dave Ramsey’s debt free plan and paid everything off within 2 years of our marriage. Since then, we have been living a dream of financial freedom!

What inspired you to get into this career?

In July of 2018, I started telling my husband that I wanted to get an RV. He loves RVs and actually had one, but sold it so we could have cash to get married! He loved the idea, but of course told me that if I wanted to have an RV, I would have to find a way to get the cash to buy it.

About this time, I started praying about a way I could get some cash without sacrificing a ton of my time away from my family.

I thought about working extra shifts at the hospital and even signed up for Wag, a dog-walking service! Alternatively, I also thought about working extra shifts at the hospital to make some money, but that would be tiring and stole a lot of time away from my family.

What was the turning point for you?

One day, when I was scrolling through Facebook I saw an interview with the Flea Market Flipper.

In the video, Rob and Melissa talked about flipping large items using freight shipping to make GREAT money. I watched and saw that they were making good profit flipping items online! I said to myself, “This is it! This is how I am going to make the money.”

Excitedly, I told my husband about what I was going to do and let’s just say, he wasn’t as excited about it as I was. He said, “We are not freight shipping or doing anything like that!”

For more than a decade, I had been selling on eBay as a hobby. I would find stuff to sell on eBay hen I wanted to get my toenails done or have some extra spending money on vacation. I never in a million years realized I could actually make an amazing living flipping items online.

Soon after, I got connected with Flea Market Flipper. After a couple months of following them on social media, I jumped into their Flipper University course. Since my husband wasn’t excited about the idea, I thought I’d just start out slow.

How did you get started flipping stuff?

Not long after learning about the Flea Market Flipper, I decided to take just $0.50 to see what I could do with just that amount of money. I quickly bought an item at a yard sale for $0.50 and I flipped it for $75.

My business took off from there (at that time I didn’t even know it was going to be a business!).

After that, I took my profits and re-invested it.

Could you please share some of your little successes?

To date, I have saved $17K for my RV, have taken several vacations with cash, invested 15% of my profits in my Roth, donated 15% to charity, and have completely run my business 100% without putting another penny of my own money into it.

As my husband wasn’t a big fan of what I was doing, I decided that I would just start buying some larger items that I wouldn’t normally sell. So, I started purchasing several things right away for $40-$50 that I flipped for over $400.

It didn’t take long for my husband to take notice and start really getting excited about the possibilities!

How long have you been in this career? when did you start seeing money coming in?

In July 2018, my sales were $373! That was my lowest month. It doubled the next month and subsequent months after.

Today, I average between $2400-$3900 in sales each month! That’s the really awesome thing about this side hustle; you can start with no money and continue to make money each month – and the income is unlimited!

Looking for more side hustles you can start TODAY when you have no money? Here are some great ideas for you:

In your opinion, what are the three core skills needed to make money flipping stuff on ebay?

I really love flipping items for profit on eBay because you don’t need a degree or a license. You just need to love looking for deals (which I do). Additionally, you have to be patient, persistent, and consistent.

The Flea Market Flipper has taught me so many things. He has taught me to have an eye for very expensive thing that are undervalued. More importantly, he taught me how to make friends in this business. I now have two valuable contacts who find me some really great stuff. This saves me a lot of time searching around for great stuff. They both sell me very expensive items at a low price. We make deals that we are both happy with.

Of course, there is a learning curve as you get familiar with eBay and other selling platforms like Offerup.

Selling larger items can also be daunting at first, but now I make the majority of my income doing so. I have had to learn to be persistent in selling items on all platforms, even when I made mistakes! Mistakes are all part of the learning process.

Being part of Rob & Melissa’s group at Flea Market Flipper has been very valuable to me. I learn something new every day, including valuable lessons from others who have also made mistakes. I also get tons of inspiration just from the member’s stories, mainly about what they are selling. Being consistently within this group has put more money in my pocket!

Did you get any training prior to flea market flipping full time?

I started making money flipping stuff on eBay in 2007. One of my friends who was selling items on eBay spent some time walking me through the process.

Initially, I had no idea about the income potential of flea market flipping.

For the past 12 years, flipping has aways been a hobby that made me some “fun” money. I would sell something and take my kids to the movies or get my toenails done. Sometimes, I would use the extra cash I made to buy something for myself that was usually outside of my budget.

What made you think of flipping stuff on ebay as a business/career instead of just a hobby?

It was when I was introduced to the Flipper University and Rob & Melissa’s coaching group that I realized the full potential of flipping as a career. They taught me to buy and sell small and large items efficiently as well as freight shipping valuable items.

When did you make your very first profitable sale as a flea market flipper?

I started to build my inventory immediately and my first month I sold $373. The next month, my income doubled. Here are some examples of items I have flipped on eBay for profit:

How long did it take you from taking the Flipper University course to making your first sale?

Within 5 weeks of taking the course, I made my first sale of a large item. I purchased a commercial espresso machine for $40 and sold it for $400!

That’s when my husband started taking notice. 

One of the biggest things I’ve learned from Flipper University was to sell large items and freight ship. This was totally new to me and I had no idea how to do it. Rob’s Freight Shipping course was invaluable for me!

Within a few weeks of taking the course, I purchased my first freight item for $125. It was an exercise machine for a disabled person. I sold it on eBay in less than a month for $3100.

That was an “aha” moment for me when I realized this could potentially be an amazing source of income. I was right!

What are some big obstacles you had to overcome getting started?

I think the biggest obstacle was getting over the fear of shipping something large. This is a very common fear of all of the students who start.

We often feel that since we are new to shipping large items, that we may lose money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Through Flipper University, I have learned how to ship efficiently usually make money on shipping itself.

Moreover, I used to be so scared when I bought something large. I would be fearful and feel like I couldn’t do it. I should have just started the listing and believe that I will figure it out along the way…

Are there any surprising lessons along the way?

Yes…I remember my first experience of flipping a large item online.

Particularly when I bought a LARGE Viking cook top( this thing was huge!!!) It weighed almost 100 pounds. I used what Rob and Melissa taught me through Flipper University, as well as a phone call from Rob where he personally walked me through the packing to make sure it went smoothly. I really appreciated that he did that as it made all the difference!

In fact, I manage to package the said cooktop all by myself and it weighed over 100 pounds! The cooktop was purchased for $100 and sold it for $1000 within eight days.

To me, it has been worth learning the art of shipping large items because the income potential is worth it.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to become a flipper?

I meet people every single day who are working at a job they don’t really like, or working themselves to death because they have to. That to me is really sad. There are so many people who would like to start a side hustle or even a full-time business to be home with their kids or to have more time to travel and do more of the things they want to do in life.

When I talk to them, I try to understand why they stay at a job they don’t like or work themselves to death because they have to.

It usually comes down to some sort of financial constraint or fear.

Being financially strapped can make us do all kinds of things we feel we have to. Fear also plays a big part in that.

We are either fearful we can’t leave the job or fearful of financial things that keeps us there. Allowing fear to overcome us stops us from doing amazing things in life.

When I started flipping, I was petrified. I had never shipped anything with Fedex or UPS. In fact, I had never EVER shipped a large item and no idea where to start. In the beginning, my husband was not as supportive so I was forced to do a lot of shipping and learning by myself.

I turned to Flipper University as a resource, as well as course creators Rob & Melissa, the coaching group, Google and YouTube. After doing this for awhile, I decided I was going to put together money for an RV and work through my fears to finally live my DREAM life.

I am so happy I went for it!

If you enjoy thrifting and finding deals and you think you want to go ahead and try flipping, I want to encourage you.

Go for it. try your hand at flipping stuff on eBay. it’s worth it.

It’s so fulfilling and the income potential is limitless!

Anyone can do this with strong determination, consistency, and the desire to succeed.

Learn how to make money from home flipping used items and cheap stuff on eBay with Stacy Gallego!