Grab the printable worksheet and start your 30 day savings challenge right now!
How To Do The 30 Day Savings Challenge
During these uncertain times, I am sure you and your family are trying your best to save more money for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances.
In fact, knowing how to save money on autopilot is one of the most important ways to achieve financial freedom.
This is because having a habit of putting aside money such as a sinking fund or emergency fund sets you on the right path towards early retirement, working less and even becoming relatively wealthy.
If you find yourself living pay check to pay check or overspending money, practicing how to save money with a fun 30 day savings challenge is a great idea!
So, how do you do the 30 day savings challenge? Well, basically the Savings Challenge starts off small with a goal of saving $5. The next day, you will be challenging yourself to a bigger goal of saving $10 and so on.
Similar to a fitness or workout challenge, you will have an end goal you are working towards by the end of the 30 day challenge.
In the 30 day Savings Challenge printable worksheet, you get to choose between saving up to $500, $1000 or $2000.
3 Steps To Complete Before You Start Your 30 Day Savings Challenge
Are you ready to start planning your 30 day savings challenge?
Before you do, let me quickly explain a few rules for this challenge. To start your savings challenge, here are 3 steps you will need to complete:
- Set a start date and end date for your challenge. You do not necessarily need to start on the 1st of the month. I believe that we should NEVER wait to get started, as speed is better than perfection!
- Tell close friends and family about your commitment. Saving money for this challenge will require you to sacrifice some things, including going out with friends, dining out, or just skipping that daily coffee takeaway. I highly recommend that you tell your close friends and family members about your commitment to this Savings Challenge. This is so that they can either acknowledge you for your efforts, avoid doing things to make you spend money unnecessarily or become your supporters!
- Give yourself a break if you missed a day. As with any challenges, of course it would be great if you could stick to the daily saving goals and achieve your final saving challenge at the end of 30 days.
- However, take into account how life is really disruptive at the moment, so if you missed a day in the challenge, prepare to forgive yourself and keep going!
30 Day Money Savings Challenge Printable
Okay, with all those 3 steps out of the way, it is time to quickly run through what you will get in this 30 Day Savings Challenge printable worksheet.
Once you purchase the 30 Day Savings Challenge printable, you will receive the following:
- 3 pages of Savings Challenge. Each page has a different savings goal, including one for $500, another for $1000 and the last one for $2000.
- 2 pages of Monthly Budget and Expenses Tracker
Ready to get started?
All you have to do is print out the 30 Day Savings Challenge Printable, set your start and end dates for your challenge and save!
Here are a few suggestions of mine to make sure that you successfully complete the 30 Day Savings Challenge:
- Keep your printable visible to stay motivated. Put your printable up on the wall, stick it up on your mirror or on your fridge door. This is completely up to you. But remember, if something is out of sight, it is definitely out of your mind as well.
- Make the challenge extra fun with a partner! Don’t do it alone with this fun savings challenge. You can even make this competitive between you and your spouse, with a friend or family member.
- Share your thoughts and results on social media. Post about your challenge on Instagram or boast about your results on TikTok. It doesn’t matter which social media channel, but talking about doing a challenge keeps you accountable.
- Get an accountability partner. If you tend to lack discipline, lack follow through or just need someone to keep you accountable, consider getting an accountability partner. It can be anyone you trust who is dependable.